
Tackling Thyroid Health: Losing Weight with a Sluggish Thyroid

“It’s my thyroid!” say many people struggling to lose weight.
(And yes, it’s a legit struggle.)
You’ve probably heard that low thyroid can contribute to slow metabolism.
But what does that mean, exactly, and more importantly: Are there legit ways to support a sluggish thyroid?
Today we're covering what an actual sluggish thyroid is, what it means for your metabolism, and how to help it!
Why is there so much nonsense out there about Hashimoto's, PCOS, and weight loss?
Let me start from the beginning.
I'm a mom, a CEO, a Certified Nutritionist, a Millennial, and a complete overachiever.
But… the one thing I struggled with for so long was the emotional and mental strain of the extra weight I was carrying.
The worst part was that no matter how much I restricted my diet or obsessively exercised, nothing worked.
I ended up exhausted and burned out.
Fortunately, I don't give up easily.
In fact, these obstacles just make me want to dig my heels in and work harder.
Sound familiar?
Finally, I was able to find a different way to achieve metabolic and hormonal health that actually works.
Once I figured that out, the extra weight was gone for good.
My method is rooted in science and evidence and is influenced by my client's personal preferences and lifestyle choices.
If you are nodding your head as you're reading this, then I'd like to personally invite you to a new kind of Facebook group I have.
In this group, we have engagement, accountability, and coaching.
There's no fluff.
Who has time for that anyway?!?
Join me inside the FREE Community!
👉Learn more about me: Updog Wellness and Fitness
2023-03-20 21:09