Attn Women Aged 35+
Are You Tired of the Dieting Rollercoaster?
Discover a Balanced Approach to Nutrition
and Take Your Life Back!
This program is specifically designed for women aged 35+ who have done at least 3 diets in their adult life and are ready for a balanced approach to nutrition. We combine food education with intuitive eating so you can remove the constant food obsession and take your life back.
You've probably tried a nutrition program or diet before...
and you showed up with the best intentions to "stick to the plan".

Perhaps you convinced yourself that it would truly be different this time,
only to find yourself craving at night and binge eating on the weekend.

So you:
  • Give up convinced you're the problem
  • Feel shame or guilt over investing in something that didn't work
  • Stay stuck in the never ending yo-yo cycle
    Here's the truth:
    You don't need another "diet"!
    You deserve a relationship with food that feels empowering, energizing, and aligned with your unique needs. AND results.
    Balanced Bites: Mindful Macros Blueprint, a breakthrough program tailored to women 35+ who've done a diet (or 3) and is tired of giving all of her time, energy and frustration to food.
    This you?
    • Have you been on various diets throughout your life, but haven't been able to establish lasting changes or achieve sustainable results?
    • Do you find yourself believing that reaching your fat loss goals means enduring absolute misery, and you're exhausted from this approach?
    • Despite having a consistent exercise routine, are you not seeing the desired outcomes for your hard work in the gym?
    • Do you often start a diet with enthusiasm, only to lose motivation when the weekend arrives?
    • Are you constantly feeling fatigued, experiencing poor sleep, and battling constant hunger?
    • Do you acknowledge that your nutrition needs to change to improve your energy levels, but the overwhelming amount of information out there leaves you unsure of where to begin?
    • Do you attempt to eat "clean," but find yourself restricted from enjoying the foods and treats you love?
    • Are you filled with anxiety when it comes to attending parties or eating out at restaurants because you fear it might derail your diet
    • Would you like to become stronger, faster, and fitter, but you can't seem to align your nutrition with your performance goals?

    If you resonate with any of these challenges, we understand your struggle and are here to offer support and guidance on your health and wellness journey.

    Stop feeling overwhelmed and take control of your well-being with Balanced Bites: Mindful Macros Blueprint. No more one-size-fits-all diets; only the insight, compassion, and personalized strategy you need to thrive.
    Join us if you:
    • Feel trapped in a cycle of restrictive diets that fail to get you results.
    • Struggle with low energy and need a solution that aligns with your body's needs/
    • Desire a fulfilling relationship with food, free from guilt or confusion.
    How it works:
    Enroll and fill out your intake
    Once you enroll, you'll be prompted to fill out your detailed intake for so we can set your starting targets.
    Receive your custom plan
    Begin implementing your custom plan.
    Including your weekly targets, a sample meal plan with your numbers, and resources to prepare you.
    Submit your check in weekly for custom feedback from your coach (no canned responses here)
    Attend coaching sessions
    Attend weekly coaching sessions to support you in lasting change.
    Coaching sessions will be held weekly via Zoom. Replays available within 24 hours post call.
    This is for you
    • If you're ready to end restrictive dieting
    • Want to gain clarity and skills to manage your nutrition
    • Are ready to shift your mindset around food, fitness and your body.

    What you get:
    • A customized plan
      Macros calculated for you (no calculators) by an expert coach.
      A clearly outlined plan utilizing evidence based nutrition.
    • Support on sustainability
      Coaching and support on exactly how to make life changing shifts that consider your uniqueness.
    • Weekly check-ins
      Check-in with your coach weekly for feedback and guidance (no canned responses here)
    • Coaching
      Weekly group coaching via Zoom for education and to answer all of your questions.
    Client reviews
    Listen to Episode 75 of the STRONG Podcast to hear my client Joy's amazing transformation!
    • "Whoa, I feel 90% better than I did in we're only 4 weeks in!"
    • "PMS symptoms are WAY better and my period came on time which has been iffy."
    • "I've lost 6 lbs in 8 weeks, but most importantly I don't even care because of how good I feel!"
    • "I'm so happy with my progress. I am feeling better not just physically, but mentally as well"
    Learn more about
    Natalie Guevara
    CPT, Nutrition & Mindset coach specializing in women's hormones, metabolism and thryoid health.
    I am so excited to see you get results that you never thought was possible with the guidance and support you deserve.
    After years struggling to get an official diagnosis from my medical provider AND THEN getting zero support...
    ... I know exactly how lost, overwhelmed, and even embarrassed you may feel.

    I spent a decade of restrictive dieting, obsessive exercise and fighting my body without any understanding of what I was doing, and why I was so exhausted, burned out with no results to show.

    My unique coaching philosophy is based on extensive education and mentorships in functional nutrition, and female hormones and metabolism, real life experience as a mom living with Hashimoto's and PCOS, and coaching 100's of women over the past decade.

    It took me years to find harmony and balance with my body, and I don't want you to have to go through the same struggles.

    When not lifting other women up through fitness and nutrition I love horseback riding, paddle boarding, knitting, spending time with our dogs, hanging out with the kids and finding all kinds of tasty foods!

    I cannot wait to hear from you and learn how I can support you!
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